Tuesday, April 26, 2016

New Waiver Requirement

Starting May 2nd, we are requiring a waiver to be filled out and on file in order for you to attend class. In addition, we are requiring our members to attend a fundamentals class (the next one will be Saturday, 21 May) in order to participate in our regular classes; there will be a sign-up sheet at the Waller PFC front desk. 

It is strongly recommended that everyone make the time to attend one of our fundamentals classes. The option of 'testing-out' will be available; just get with one of the coaches, we'll do an assessment, and we'll let you know if the fundamentals class is required. 

It's important that you all know that we are not trying to exclude anyone with this new policy. We are simply considering our members' safety above everything else, and trying to offer as complete of a program as possible. We look forward to seeing you all in class!

Monday, April 25, 2016

Week 17: 25-29 April

Monday, 25 April

Skill: Back Squat (15 min)
Work to a heavy 3 rep

WOD: 1/2 'Kalsu'

50 thrusters (135/95) for time
- every minute begins with 5 burpees

Tuesday, 26 April

20 KB Swing
15 CAL row
10 Wall Ball shots
5 T2B

Wednesday, 27 April

Skill: Deadlift

5 Power Clean (115/75)
10 Bar Facing Burpee
20 Lateral Jumps
30 Double Unders (3:1 singles)

Thursday, 28 April

Skill: Press Complex on the 90 sec (12 min)
2x Strict Press
2x Push Press
2x Push Jerk

20 Wall ball
200m run

Friday, 29 April

Death by Pullups
min1: 1 pullup
min2: 2 pullups
min3: 3 pullups
...continue until you can no longer complete pullups within the minute

WOD: 8 min AMRAP
KB Swing

Monday, April 18, 2016

What's for lunch?


Sunday, April 17, 2016

Week 16: 18-22 April

Monday, 18 April

Skill: Pull up/T2B

EMOM (10 min)
Odd: C2B Pull up 10-8-6-4-2
Even: T2B 2-4-6-8-10


Handstand Pushup
Ring Dips

Tuesday, 19 April

Skill: Zercher Squats

EOMOM (10 min)

300m row
12x Front Squat (95/65)
20x Situps

Wednesday, 20 April

WOD: 25 min AMRAP
2x Shuttle Sprint (10m interval)
15x Power Snatch (75/55)
10x Bar-Facing Burpee

Thursday, 21 April

Skill: KB Ground to Overhead

EMOM (12 min) 
odd: 3x Bulgarian Split Squat (each leg)
even: 5x Weighed Step-ups (<20 p="">

5x 'man'-makers
20m (single arm) OH walking Lunge

Friday, 22 April

Skill: Agility, Mobility, Crawls

WOD: For Time
200m Sprint
50 Double Unders
200m Sprint
40 DU
200m Sprint
30 DU
200m Sprint
20 DU
200m Sprint
10 DU

50 GHD Situps

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Week 15: 11-15 Apr

Monday, 11 April

Warmup/skill: Agility ladder drills

WOD: 3 Rounds (with a Jump Rope)

60 sec Forward-rope Jump
60 sec Situps
30 sec Left foot Jump
30 sec Right foot Jump
60 sec Situps
60 sec Backwards-rope Jump
60 sec situps
60 sec Side-to-side Jumps
2 min Rest

Tuesday, 12 April

Skill: Box Jumps (10 min)
go for height, 2-3 reps

WOD: EMOM (16 min)

even: 5x Back Squat ~ 40-50%
odd: 6-8x Box jump (high)\

Wednesday, 13 April

WOD: 20 min Jackie
1000m row
45 Thrusters
30 Pullups

Thursday, 14 April

Skill: Handstand Progression

200m run
10 handstand Pushup

Friday, 15 April

Skill: Deadlift

WOD: 'Grace'
30x Clean & Jerk (135)

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

On Ramp / Fundamentals Classes

Over the next 2 weeks, fundamentals classes will be taking place during our evening classes, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1715-1800.

We will still offer a workout, but Coaches Abby and Andrew will be focusing on building solid fundamentals for those who are a bit inexperienced with the movements, or those who would just like a refresher of the basics. We are encouraging maximum participation!

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week 14: 4 - 8 Apr

Monday, 4 April

Skill: Clean

EOMOM (10 min)


WOD: Bring Sally Up/Down

Tuesday, 5 April

Skill: Pull up

EMOM (11 min)

Burpee Box Jump & Burpee Pullup

start at 1 each, add 1 of each every round


200m run
10x T2B
200m run
10x pull ups

Wednesday, 6 April

'Fight Gone Bad'

5 Rounds

Thursday, 7 April

Skill: Thruster


WOD: 'Nancy'

400m run
15x OH Squat

Friday, 8 April

Skill: GHD Hip/Back Extension, Hamstring Curls, Situps

3-5 Rounds, NFT:
10x GHD Hip Ext.
10x GHD Situps
10x GHD Hamstring Curls

WOD: Partner up

150 burpees
- one partner working at a time
- partner not 'working' in plank position